Lawnmower troubleshooting guide

Lawnmower not starting?

It’s actually a very common issue, particularly after the long winter months. A routine maintenance programme is often all you need to prevent such problems. If your lawnmower has broken down altogether, call me. At Gary’s Lawnmower Services, I am happy to advise you on troubleshooting so your mower can get back to working order as soon as possible.

Common lawnmower issues:

  • Faulty spark plug
  • Dirty air filter
  • Defective start switch
  • Grass or other forms of debris obstructing the blades
  • Blown fuse or tripped breaker in case of an
  • electric mower
  • Activated thermal cut-out
  • The cutting bag is full

    I can advise on troubleshooting both domestic and commercial lawnmowers. Call me now.

  • A few troubleshooting tips

  • If your lawnmower isn’t starting, remove the spark plug and check to see whether there’s any spark. Then check the fuel supply. Check if the switch is being pulled away from the stop switch, and also check if the fuel is stale or contaminated with water.
  • Your machine will not start if the cuttings bag is full. Simply disconnect the power and empty the bag.
  • If there is debris accumulated on the blade, then the blades won’t turn. Simply clean the blades, and your mower will get back to its working condition.
  • If your machine is emanating smoke or oil from the exhaust, then you must have turned the machine over on its side. In such cases, start your mower and operate it for a few minutes until the smoke dissipates. Stop your mower and check the oil.
  • If your lawnmower’s blades are jammed, or the motor is overloaded, then the thermal cut-out will be activated. Clean the blades, and then either reset manually or wait a few minutes for the automatic reset to kick in.
  • Still having issues with your lawnmower?

    If you have a different problem with your lawnmower and you are unable to solve it, please call Gary’s Lawnmower Services in Swindon. I can provide you with a few more troubleshooting tips or give you an insight as to how much your lawnmower maintenance or repairs will cost. I will also let you know whether it will be feasible to carry out the repairs or buy a brand new machine.

    Get troubleshooting tips for your lawnmower from Gary’s Lawnmower Services. Call me on
    01793 721 317